Friday, February 22, 2008

Spotlight on ...

Jamila of Jamilary!

This week's Spotlight is on Jamilary (pronounced juh-MEE-luh-ree)! Jamila was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, though currently residing in South Burlington, VT. Jamilary launched on March 17, 2007. Jamila's jewelry designs incorporate freshwater pearls, semiprecious stones, and natural materials acquired through her worldwide travels and the travels of her family.

Jamila herself describes Jamilary as trendy, classy, custom-made, handmade works of artistic jewelry. Through her 25 years, she has been a student of fashion with a keen eye for her personal sense of style and she has not been afraid to set the trend.

You can visit her shop or see her on MySpace.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the first featured seller! Love the pieces.


Anonymous said...

Very nice showcase for Jamilary! Lookin' good. ;-)


Anonymous said...

I real like this and almost gives off a great connection. I also love your work...


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